What is BYOD?
A technology model implemented at PVNCCDSB supporting the 21st century learner by allowing the use of personal digital preferences to inspire and stimulate students to achieve success in the classroom. The BYOD model is one component of PVNCCDSB’s strategic priorities to Learn, Lead and Serve by embedding technology to support all areas of learning ultimately educating students to fulfil the Catholic School Graduate Expectations.
Click the subtitles below to learn more about BYOD or download a PDF version of this information by clicking here.
BYOD expands student access to technology and provides a way to meet different learning needs. Allowing the use of personal devices in the classroom increases engagement and focuses on student-directed learning. Opportunities arise for collaboration and communication among students, fostering a respectful and inclusive environment. BYOD helps to bridge communication gaps and break down language barriers for students where english is their second language.
The SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition) model is a framework for teachers to help introduce technology into the learning process through effective use of digital tools. By incorporating student owned mobile devices into the classroom, educators can transform their pedagogical approach to teaching by promoting a seamless environment to meet the needs of every student.
Self-regulation is the capacity to manage stress, energy and tension. Prolonged exposure to high levels of stress caused by various stressors can negatively affect mood, attention, memory, physical health, as well as our relationships. Learning to effectively respond to stressors and restore energy is vital to overall well-being. Student behaviour in the classroom has a direct impact on academic success. Self regulatory strategies should be developed and embedded into the classroom culture. Students who take ownership of their own behaviours are on the right path to becoming independent, motivated learners to successfully reach desired goals. BYOD is simply one example of how if integrated into a daily routine reinforces the natural progression of self regulation being embedded into the process.
Essential skills are those that “provide the foundation for learning all other skills and enable people to evolve with their jobs and adapt to workplace change.” (ABC Life Literacy Canada,9 Essential Skills. 2013. http://abclifeliteracy.ca/nine-essential-skills)
Students must recognize the importance of skills like communication, critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, collaboration and leadership are part of the fundamental global competencies employers are seeking. The use of personal devices creates opportunities for students to excel at their own schedule, developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes to succeed. They should note not only the limits but the benefits of technology for their learning and well-being. Co-creating flexible norms and classroom expectations for BYOD can promote a positive successful learning environment for all.
Blue light emitted from electronic devices can negatively impact sleep quality. Turning off all devices at least one hour before bed, limiting recreational screen time to 2 hours a day, and implementing a set of flexible norms for daily tech use, can help maintain a healthy balance, promote self-regulation and well-being.
Students will be invited to bring their device after they have completed the Acceptable Use of Technology form and returned it to the school. Students must understand and follow Policy 904, the Board’s “Personally Owned Network Device Policy”. Users of their device agree that, while the device is on Board property, they are bound by the Board’s Acceptable Use policies, specifically Policy 902 for students. Home use for students may also be subject to the “Nexus” provision of Policy 709, Safe Schools - Code of Conduct. Refer to these policies for more details.
Students are required to use the board’s wireless guest network, which they can access for free while at school. They will not be permitted to access their paid data plans while in class. The network’s filter will also help to prevent students from accessing inappropriate web content while they are logged on at school.
As parents, you’re concerned about your child keeping his/her device safe. In a BYOD environment, devices are out in the open so students are more aware of their devices. Typically, we see few thefts and lost devices. Schools will have a plan to help students keep their devices secured. Ultimately, though, students are responsible for lost, stolen and/or damaged personal electronic devices, just as they are for any other personal items they bring to school.
Primary (K to Grade 3)
- vocabulary development
- accessing web sites/research
- online manipulatives/simulations
- photography and video creation
- curriculum-based games/apps
- music
Junior (Grade 4 to Grade 6)
Everything listed in Primary +:
- document and presentation creation/editing
- wikis, blogs, podcasts
- note-taking
- calculation/graphing activities
- enhancement F planner/calendar
- maps
- polling
- video conferencing
Intermediate (Grade 7 to Grade 8)
Everything listed in Junior +:
- project enhancement
- critical media literacy
Everything listed in Intermediate +:
- Office productivity e.g. spreadsheets
- virtual excursions
- co-creation of products
- synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities
Access PVNCCDSB BYOD Wireless
Self Regulation
- https://www.kqed.org/mindshift/18934/as-digital-tools-abound-help-kids-self-regulate
- https://self-reg.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/SCIENCE_printable.pdf?pdf=science-backgrounder
- http://canada2020.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/2014_Canada2020_Paper-Series_Education_FINAL.pdf
A Note About Blue Light
Digital Literacy Fundamentals
BYOD in the Marketplace
- https://www.computerdealernews.com/news/byod-market-more-than-doubling-in-the-next-five-years/51419
- https://syntonic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Syntonic-2016-BYOD-Usage-in-the-Enterprise.pdf
21st Century Competencies
Essential Skills
Workplace Preparedness
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